Thursday, August 23, 2012


Check out this little man! Isn't he just adorable and beaming with happiness? He is so darn excited about going to preschool and meeting his teachers and seeing his playground. Open House was Wednesday night and it was a special moment for just him and mom to enjoy.

Collin's first day of preschool was August 23rd.

 I think he looks quite handsome but he told me that the girls didn't like his outfit. I let it go in one ear and out the other because this little stinker has been full of stories the last few days.
 Collin and Mrs. K on the first day of Preschool
Mrs. K told me that her and Mrs. B think his freckles are so cute. I have to agree!
He had a great first day and I know he is excited to spend every afternoon (Monday-Thursday) in his classroom. Wow, my babies are growing up way to fast!

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