Sunday, January 30, 2011

Growing & Gaining

11 weeks
19 weeks

22 weeks

Baby #3

On December 27th we had our ultrasound. Carson wanted Dr. Jorgensen to write down what we were having on a piece of paper so that he could announce to us if he was having a brother or sister. She put the doppler on my stomach and my eyes could hardly see on the screen that there was a baby before she shut it off and asked for Carson's paper. We were all surprised that she knew so fast! Carson smiled after looking at the paper and said, "BOY!"


We celebrated Christmas at Grandma & Grandpa Oliver's the weekend before Christmas.

The boys on Christmas Eve.

We celebrated Christmas at Grandma & Grandpa Kopke's the day after Christmas. I forgot my camera :(

Monday, January 24, 2011

Likes & Dislikes

Carson Michael likes......Cheesy Wild Rice Soup, juice, Fluffy, his gameboy, watching cartoons, playing soccer, and going to the Children's Museum. He does not like...his dad being gone, sleeping in, lasagna, his coat on in the car or his socks on crooked.

Collin Wyatt likes.......Fruit, strawberry milk, 2 pup-pups (and now a polar bear too!), watching movies, playing with choo-choos, and going to the Children's Museum. He does not like.....eggs, sitting down to eat, going to sleep at night or being told "no".