Monday, December 13, 2010

Bye Bye Pacifier

It was a sad, yet joyous day at our house on November 28th.

Our little Collin waved goodbye to his much-loved pacifier (aka~pluggy).

Off to the moon they go!

He seems to be adjusting well to the big boy changes.

He occasionally says he can see his pluggy at the moon.
I can honsestly say there are days where I wish that plug would reappear :-)

Halloween 2010

My Little Gobblins all dressed up!

"Trick or Treating" the neighborhood.

Their little legs got tired of all the walking. They found this great little cement spot and took a break...which also turned out to be a great time for a picture.

~Happy Halloween 2010~

Carving Out Pumpkins

We decided to add a little Halloween decor to our front porch this year.
Carson helped with the ooey-gooey mess while Collin watched in pure disgust. Evidently, messiness is not his thing...yet!

We proudly lit our pumpkin and watched it glow in the darkness that night.

Dozer was quite disappointed that he did not get included in the pumpkin viewing with rest of the family.
However, his face looks like that all the time so I'm unsure of whether he was truly disappointed!