Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Happy Birthday

Four years ago today I heard you cry, saw your tiny fingers and toes, and smelled the sweet smell of your skin for the first time. Carson Michael, you forever changed my life the first minute I saw you. I knew exactly at that very moment that my heart had grown even bigger and my love for you would be FOREVER.
The past four years have gone by so quickly. Many things have happened in those four years. We moved to California when you were 3 weeks old. You met your daddy for the first time on October 2, 2005 the day he arrived home from his 2nd deployment to Iraq. We moved back to Nebraska when you were 10 months old. Daddy left for his 3rd deployment for 7 months. You started daycare for the first time when you were a year and you are still friends with all the kids that go to Krystal's. We bought our first house! You became a big brother to Collin Wyatt. You started preschool at Zion Lutheran Church. During all these events I have had the opportunity to watch you grow, cry, laugh and have fun. You know exactly how to put a smile on my face. And even though there are times when I become angry with you, I want you to know that I am still learning and most likely will forever be working on being a better mommy to you. You are my world and am so blessed to be your mommy and I look forward to the many years we have ahead of us. Happy Birthday Pee-Wee!!

Love Always,

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