On Friday morning, the kids and I drove down to Beaver City for the Furnas County Fair. We visited Grandma Betty at the Courthouse and then went out for lunch at the Blue Ribbon. It was sprinkling so we walked quickly around the fair so Carson had an idea of what rides he wanted to ride that night.
The free BBQ started at 6:00pm and the sandwiches were delicious this year. Carson, Brock & Saige ate quickly so that they were first in line when the rides opened at 7:00pm
The train ride was a hit for everyone...and a bit fast I might add! I was a tad bit nervous when Brock yelled back at me, "I hope it doesn't go off the tracks like it did last year!" YIKES!
Collin really enjoyed riding the airplanes. This was the only ride that he did not sign "all done" on after a couple times around. He was especially excited when Saige & Carson were jumping in the blow up deal right next to him and would yell his name. I'm sure that next year he won't be going shoe-less at the fair! He did not seem to mind riding in the stroller since both nights it was way past his bedtime (7pm).
Carson and Laikyn were caught off guard a bit when this BuMpY ride started but they really enjoyed it! Check out those smiles!
Carson's favorite ride of the night was the slide. I can hardly believe that in one years time he went from riding down on my lap to climbing the tall stairs and going down all by himself! What happened to my little boy?
Carson & Saige on the carasuel (I'm having trouble spelling that word...hmmm?)
Carson informed me weeks before the fair started that he'd be big enough to ride the Tilt-a-Whirl this year and boy was he excited! We had a blast! The 2nd night when Brock & Saige rode with us was even more fun. It took us on quite the "whirl" that night!
Brett enjoyed a night out with Regg in Hastings on Friday night but joined the "fair fun" on Saturday. We skipped the demolition derby this year (something I never would have dreamed about prior to kids) so that we could enjoy seeing the smiling faces of our two adorable boys on the fair rides. Once Collin was tucked into bed and Grandma Betty & "Grandma" Debbie were
comfortable with the big kids, we headed to the Brandin Iron for a night of adult fun. We enjoyed the company of Kagan & Katie Stinnette (8 months pregnant and not drinking of course!).
Kagan, Jason, Jennifer, Lynn and I also went out on Friday night and witnessed a very interesting Body Surfing contest, which must have been a hit because there was a 2nd round on Saturday night. What guys won't do for a free case of beer!