Saturday, March 7, 2009

9 Months Old

Collin turned 9 months old yesterday. The past month or so has been a difficult time for him. Between his hospital stay, our trip to Omaha, crawling and teething.....there hasn't been much sleep in our household! He is now as busy as ever crawling all over, pulling himself up to stand and even letting go! He recently began eating more table foods like cheese, tortilla, yogurt puffs, and toast. I imagine we will be adding more table foods now that he has two teeth coming through on the bottom. Last week he FINALLY started babbling. I've been a bit concerned about him but my co-workers kept telling me not to worry since he was making a variety of sounds. He stayed awake late the first night just so he could practice saying "baba". He is now also saying "dada". At his follow-up appointment a week after being dismissed from the hospital, he weighed 15 lbs 5 oz.

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