Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Day

Carson's red combine!

Matching PJ's

Uncle Shawn & Collin

Waiting to open gifts.....

Mommy & Collin

Logan, Carson & Dalton

Carson and his snowman that daddy helped build.

Santa arrived at our house sometime during the night and brought Carson a red combine (just what he asked for) and a stick horse. He brought Collin a cute little stacking cup toy. Everyone enjoyed opening gifts.

That afternoon we headed to Grand Island to have Christmas with Grandma Carol and Grandpa Dutch. All the Springer boys had fun playing together and it was nice visiting with everyone.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas at the Oliver's

We had Christmas in Beaver City on Saturday with Grandma Betty, Grandpa Mike, Danielle, Cory, Brock & Saige. We all enjoyed the chili, presents, and putting together the puzzle. The kids had a blast playing together and Carson was so happy we stayed 2 nights!

Christmas Cookies

Last weekend when it was so cold and windy out, Brett and Carson decided to make Christmas cookies. Carson had a blast and I think Brett was relieved when the last of the 3 batches was frosted and complete!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Carson's Christmas Program

Carson had his preschool Christmas program on Sunday the 7th. His class was first to sing....but they must have been feeling shy in front of the whole church because I could barely hear singing from where I was standing to take pictures! When I walked to the back of the church where Brett and my parents were standing, they were laughing because from where they were, it looked like they just stood there for a few minutes and then walked off! Maybe he'll sing next year.....he sure did look cute up there!

6 Months Old

Collin is now 6 months old! My how the time has flown by! The past month has been pretty rough for him...and the rest of the family. It all started with croup and then he had about 3 days where he was feeling better and then he woke up in the middle of the night coughing again. I noticed as I was nursing him that he felt a little warm so I decided to take his temperature....half asleep and in the dark! As I was doing that...and waking up a little...I thought his face looked a little funny. When I turned on the light he had hives all over him!! The on-call doc had me give him Benadryl (a Walgreen's run at 4am!) and bring him in when the clinic opened. They did a chest x-ray (torture!) and blood work (also torture since the first lady screwed up and they had to do it again!). He ended up having Bronchitis but since he had just gotten off the antibiotic and it was still in his system they just had me give him 3 breathing treatments a day. This didnt appear to help too much but I continued to give them while praying that he would get better soon and we could all get some sleep at night. On Tuesday night he was up 6 times and coughing so hard he couldnt fall back to sleep. We headed to the Dr. (again) the next morning and he agreed that Collin should be over this by now. He is now on Zithromax and only woke up 2 times last night. We are headed in the right direction!!

Collin is rolling everywhere now and getting better at sitting without support. He likes to try and get Carson and his toys which is starting to irritate Carson a little :) He has been eating baby food for a few weeks now and has tried squash, sweet potatoes, green beans and carrots. Each time I give him something new he doesnt seem to even notice the difference. Maybe with fruit! He's still nursing really good except now he likes to look around the entire time so he takes much longer to finish! He is also drinking out of a sippy cup! He is such a happy little baby and smiles alot. He is so much quieter than Carson....I am curious to know if that will last!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Family Pictures

We had family pictures taken today by Uncle Denny. He did a great job and we are so thankful for his willingness to do pictures for our family. I'll be sending them out in Christmas cards!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Our 5th Anniversary

Brett got me a beautiful vase of roses for our 5th anniversary on Wednesday November 26th. My parents came up early to watch the boys and we went out for supper to the Alley Rose and then went and saw Australia at the new Cenema 8. It was a really good movie but very long! We were both so tired by the time it got over but we still managed to make a Walmart run and then get things ready at home for Thanksgiving Day.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Collin has croup:(

On Friday Collin had a runny nose and when I put him to sleep that night I heard him start coughing. I went upstairs to check on him and he was choking on the drainage. I called the Dr. and they recommended I bring him into Urgent Care so I didnt have to make a trip to the ER during the night. The Dr. there said he had Bronchitis and put him on some Amoxicillan. We finally got him settled into bed and I woke up to him coughing again at 11:45pm. He was struggling to breathe so I ended up running him into the ER. Before we got there he was barking like a seal. The nurse who saw us immediately said he had croup. The Dr. confirmed it and they gave him a breathing treatment and a shot of steroids. We were home by 1:15am. Collin slept well the rest of the night but when he got up he wouldnt stop crying. He cried for over an hour before falling asleep in my arms. The rest of the day went exactly like that. Finally around 5:30pm he was acting a little more like himself. After finally finding a machine for his breathing treatments, we put him to bed at 6:30pm. He slept until 6am so we all got plenty of sleep! Carson went with Grandma Carol and Grandpa Dutch so he got plenty of much needed attention.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

4 Years Ago Today

Four years ago today we had our renewal of vows ceremony. It's hard to believe that it has been that long already! I bet my parents are thinking the same thing about 27 years ago today!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

First Haircut 11/1/08

Collin had his first haircut on November 1st. His hair was getting so long and it stood about 3 inches high in a strip on top of his head so it looked like he had a mohawk! We had Sue at Tangles cut his hair and he sat really well. He looks so much older now but it looks so much better!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Wow, I can hardly believe that Collin Wyatt is already 5 months old! The time has gone by so quickly but it's really hard to remember what life was like without him. He is growing a changing so everyday. He is now eating rice cereal once a day and is always eager to open his mouth for it. He kind of picks and chooses the days that he wants to roll over. Some days he never will and other days you can't keep him in one spot. He is so smiley all the time and is really starting to giggle a lot. He laughs at Carson when he plays peek-a-boo and he also finds Brett's silly faces quite funny. He's still sleeping farely good at night. He goes to bed at about 7pm and usually wakes at 5am to nurse and have his diaper changed, then goes back to sleep until 6:30am when he hears everyone else waking up. I'm anxious to see the many things he will be doing over the next month!

As for Carson....he is still in the "horrible" three's as I have come to call them. He most recently became a picky eater. I think it has something to do with the Halloween candy but it's very irritating to listen to him whine about foods that he has always eaten before. I was talking with Jill (our daycare provider) about it today and I could barely come up with one meal that he really enjoys eating right now. He is also refusing to stay in his bed at bedtime. I am finding that the Supernanny approach works well...taking him back to his bed without speaking to him but we still have to do that several times before he will fall asleep. I won't go into detail about all the "horrible" behaviors he has right now (hitting, back talking, ect.) but I will share a really cute moment with you.....

He's been talking alot about the new toys he wants for Christmas so I explained to him that he needed to pick out some old toys that he rarely plays with to donate to some little boys who don't have any to play with. He was surprisingly excited about doing this! As he was looking through is playroom he very casually said to me, "Mommy, you should donate your exercise thing because you rarely use it." What a smarty pants...and yes...he is very right about the "rarely" part!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


After many weeks of sitting in the tree stand, Brett finally got a deer. Carson has gone with him a couple of times and done really well sitting quietly. Although he wasn't with Brett tonight when he got the deer, he sure was proud!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008

Everyone enjoyed Trick or Treating last night...except maybe Collin. He didn't look too excited about the chicken costume! We just went around our neighborhood and managed to get plenty of candy in 45 minutes. Carson was excited to come home and wait for trick or treaters at our house. We only had 10 so it wasn't too exciting!