Monday, December 13, 2010

Bye Bye Pacifier

It was a sad, yet joyous day at our house on November 28th.

Our little Collin waved goodbye to his much-loved pacifier (aka~pluggy).

Off to the moon they go!

He seems to be adjusting well to the big boy changes.

He occasionally says he can see his pluggy at the moon.
I can honsestly say there are days where I wish that plug would reappear :-)

Halloween 2010

My Little Gobblins all dressed up!

"Trick or Treating" the neighborhood.

Their little legs got tired of all the walking. They found this great little cement spot and took a break...which also turned out to be a great time for a picture.

~Happy Halloween 2010~

Carving Out Pumpkins

We decided to add a little Halloween decor to our front porch this year.
Carson helped with the ooey-gooey mess while Collin watched in pure disgust. Evidently, messiness is not his thing...yet!

We proudly lit our pumpkin and watched it glow in the darkness that night.

Dozer was quite disappointed that he did not get included in the pumpkin viewing with rest of the family.
However, his face looks like that all the time so I'm unsure of whether he was truly disappointed!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

My Little Pumpkins

The sun barely made its appearance today, but that didn't stop us from heading to a nearby pumpkin patch for some fun with the Rutt family.
Collin liked the corn, but not enough to get down and play in it!
Carson, Brooklyn, Braden & Collin
Welcome To The Land of Oz

The One Hare Saloon
(The bunny is hiding inside!)

We ran through the corn maze as quick as we could!

And spead down the zip line several times!
It was a great day to spend several hours at the pumpkin patch playing, visiting with friends, laughing, and enjoying snacks (fried oreos!).

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Potty Training Success!

Collin Wyatt has decided it's time for him to become a big boy! Even if I don't approve of him growing up, I do approve of NO MORE DIAPERS! He's had a very successful week (with lots of help from daycare) and I think it's safe to say he's on the road to being a big boy!

Monday, August 16, 2010


Five years ago I never imagined that the time would go so fast. I never imagined that his cute little grin would bring me so much joy. I never imagined that his endless chatter would drive me crazy in a good & bad way. And, I never imagined that I'd be one of those mom's who cried as they sent their baby to Kindergarten.
The day came and I told myself that he'd be fine (and he was!). But, as I saw the 3 most important boys in my life walking towards those Kindergarten doors...I couldn't help but shed a tear. And a few more tears came later as Brett grabbed my hand in comfort when we walked away from our little Kindergartner.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Tooth

My tooth fell out and left a space
So big my tongue can touch my face,
And every time I smile I show
The place where something used to grow.
I miss my tooth as you can guess
But now I have to brush one less!

Birthday Celebration!

We celebrated Carson's 5th birthday at the Starostka Lake on August 1st. It's a good thing we hadn't planned anything for his actual birthday because he ended up having strep throat. Poor little guy recovered quickly. I think his dad coming home helped!

Carson caught a big fish with Grandpa Mike!

Our house is now busting at the seems (again!) with toys!

Ruff~Ruff! The cake was dog-gone tastey!

Little Miss Brooklyn was all smiles and great big belly laughs while Carson tore wrapping paper.

Carson & Laikyn enjoyed a little splash or two in the water.

One of Carson's favorite things to do at the lake is ride the jet ski. He was thrilled that Jason took him for a ride...and went really fast!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Carson!

How can it be possible? We welcomed our baby boy into the world 5 years ago today. He has stolen our hearts and filled our days with laughter & joy. We love you to the moon and back PeeWee!

Happy 5th Birthday Carson Michael!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Furnas County Fair

We decided to try something different this year and endure 4 nights at the Furnas County Fair. The tractor pull started on Wednesday evening and Carson gave it his all! The rest of the fair was filled with rides, rodeos, funnel cakes, swine show, demolition derby, snow cones, and did I mention more RIDES.

Everything a fair should be and then some!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Missing Brett

Things I wish I didn't have to do while my husband is gone...

1. Mow the grass....and mow again 5 days later.
2. Lug 40lb bags of softener salt to the basement.
3. Do laundry alone....yes, majority of the time we share this chore.
4. Cook...because we all know my meals aren't near as tasty as his!
5. Grocery shop...I don't mind but it's much easier when we each have a kid in our cart.
6. Sleep alone.
7. Tell my kids how many days until their daddy comes home OVER & OVER again.
8. Comfort Carson when he says he misses his daddy.
9. Find a ton of things to do on the weekends to make the time go faster.
10. Worry about him.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Birthday Celebration!

We celebrated Collin's 2nd birthday with a Firetruck themed party!....
.....We read cards and opened gifts together.....

....and we sang "Happy Birthday" to our adorable little Fireman!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Collin Wyatt

Two years ago we welcomed our baby boy into the world. He has brought us so much joy & laughter and his big blue eyes light up our days.
Happy 2nd Birthday Collin Wyatt!
We love you to the moon and back little man.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Southern Valley High School 10 Year Reunion

It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Friendship - the older it grows, the stronger it is.

Kannon Turns Two

Happy Birthday to You~Happy Birthday to You~Happy Birthday Dear Kannon~Happy Birthday to YOU!

Last Day of Pre-K!

Carson's last day of pre-kindergarten was May 17th. His class spent the morning at Centennial Park.

Kearney Area KidZone

The new Kearney Area KidZone opened it's doors on April 22nd. I do believe the pictures speak for themselves.......

If you ever can't find us at home, you may want to come lookin' for us here!