Friday, June 25, 2010

Missing Brett

Things I wish I didn't have to do while my husband is gone...

1. Mow the grass....and mow again 5 days later.
2. Lug 40lb bags of softener salt to the basement.
3. Do laundry alone....yes, majority of the time we share this chore.
4. Cook...because we all know my meals aren't near as tasty as his!
5. Grocery shop...I don't mind but it's much easier when we each have a kid in our cart.
6. Sleep alone.
7. Tell my kids how many days until their daddy comes home OVER & OVER again.
8. Comfort Carson when he says he misses his daddy.
9. Find a ton of things to do on the weekends to make the time go faster.
10. Worry about him.


Ms. Melody said...

I wish you didn't have to do any of those things alone either...
You're a great mama!

Manzanita said...

Well stated. I've always believed in the "sexual division of labor." Things that make a woman's muscles sore, are a piece of cake for a man.